The Vintage Cupboard

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Two Birds with one Stone..My Entryway Tables

To accomplish two tasks with only one effort.
To use only one action to complete two tasks.
Unfortunately the picture I took showing both my tables on each side of my Dining room entrance is blurry:( I will take another and post it soon so you can see the whole amazing effect! I have a good size foyer and have been wanting to put a table of some sort on each side for quite awhile now. I have been very patient as I am not willing to spend a ridiculous amount of money to get the look I want. A few months ago while perusing through my favorite local Antique store I found a table in the old Railroad cart outside. Hmmm I thought, this has good bones, it's the right height, almost the right width but alas there is only one of them. What to do? Maybe I will cut the table in half horizontally? So I bought the table, told the store owner what I planned to do, he probably thinks I am a crazy lady haha! My friends husband cut it in half for me and also cut a little off the width of the table as it was a bit to wide for the space. He did an awesome job and it fit perfectly! My husband mounted it on the wall for me and I am a happy girl! I had plans to paint it but decide to go with the natural wood. I used clear wax on top and tung oil on the legs. It looks so great against the stenciled wall and gives me the balanced symmetry that I have been wanting for so long. Mission accomplished! Oh, I almost forgot to mention the old suitcases I have under each table, I stenciled them with an Italian stencil I had. Not sure what it says but I love the vintage style it adds.